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Strategisches Management

Kurt Matzler, Todd Mooradian,
+ 2 weitere
40,00 €
<p>Strategieentscheidungen sind ausschlaggebend für langfristige Wettbewerbsvorteile von Unternehmen. Um sie fundiert treffen zu können, bedarf es geeigneter Instrumente. Das Buch bietet einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Strategieinstrumente, eingebettet in den Prozess des Strategischen Managements.</p>
The Alter Ego Effect

36,90 €
In The Alter Ego Effect, Herman presents countless stories from salespeople, executives, entertainers, athletes, entrepreneurs, creatives, and historical figures to illustrate how to activate the Heroic Self already nested inside each of us. And he reveals that we may not be using those traits in the moments when we need them the most. From the creative entrepreneur who resisted their craft, to the accomplished military officer who wanted to be a warmer dad at home, Todd Herman's clients have discovered there is no end to the parts of their lives they could improve by using Alter Egos.
Rapper's Deluxe

69,95 €
A visual and cultural history of hip hop, charting its meteoric rise from underground trailblazer to global tastemaker
Shoulder Rehabilitation

75,00 €
Complete guide to non-operative rehabilitation of the shoulder Overview of the critical testing procedures required for each condition and primary strategies for rehabilitation
Besser bewegen

19,80 €
Besser bewegen bietet einen praxisorientierten Einblick in die aktuelle Forschung zur Rolle des Gehirns bei Bewegung und Schmerz.