Der Ausdruck "Biblische Theologie" weckt viele Erwartungen, aber auch viele Vorbehalte. Es geht dabei sowohl um die Polyphonie biblischer Aussagen, als auch um deren sachgemäße Rezeption und Applikation. Das Projekt einer biblischen Theologie muss interdisziplinär angelegt sein, so dass alle theologischen Fächer am Gespräch beteiligt werden. Der Sammelband liefert dazu wichtige Impulse.
"Biblische Theologie"!?
Der große Erfolg aus Korea: Berührende Geschichten und Schicksale rund um das Thema Bücher
Hwang Bo-reum erzählt Geschichten von Menschen, die sich in einem Buchladen begegnen, beim Lesen von Büchern ihren Lebensproblemen auf den Grund gehen und ihr Schicksal meistern.
Art in public space Urban regeneration, multi-culturalism and environmentalism With texts by renowned authors
Art in public space Urban regeneration, multi-culturalism and environmentalism With texts by renowned authors
<p>With its new sub-title <em>Romance Literatures of the World</em>, the book series <em>Mimesis </em>presents an innovative and integral understanding of the Romance world and Romance Studies from the perspective of literary studies and cultural theory. It takes account of the fact that the fascinating development of Romance literatures and cultures both in Europe and beyond has set worldwide dynamics in motion which continue the great traditions of the Romance world and open up new horizons for them. <em>Mimesis </em>works from a transareal understanding of Romance Studies which integrates Romance literatures and cultures both within and outside Europe and which transcends the national and disciplinary boundaries which often conceal the interactions between different traditions and developments in Europe and the Americas, in Africa and Asia. In the archipelago of Romance Studies, <em>Mimesis </em>reveals how the representation of reality in the Romance literatures of the world opens the door to a multilingual cosmos of diverse logics.</p>
Historical study of childhood in the Bohemian lands and Slovakia enables fresh and important insights into some important questions: How did children live and experience childhood? How did actors from politics, science, society, and the family influence the lives of children? What were the ideas about and ideals of childhood? And how were these aspects of life related to other historic phenomena?
Historical study of childhood in the Bohemian lands and Slovakia
Programmanalyse zur MedienkompetenzförderungTeilhabe in einer digitalisierten Welt ermöglichenVHS-Angebote im Zeitalter der digitalen Transformation
Inwieweit das Programmangebot der Volkshochulen die Medienkompetenz der Teilnehmenden fördert, untersucht Jan Hellriegel in seiner Dissertation. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass digitale Teilhabe für alle ein nicht erfüllter Bildungsauftrag der VHS ist.
Teen Freya's quiet life is turned upside down by Bella, the glamorous former supermodel who's about to marry her dad. But how does Bella look so impossibly perfect, and could she be using Freya's family for her own sinister purposes? As the hype around Bella's new 'Nightshade' label reaches fever- pitch, Freya goes undercover into the intimidating world of high fashion, determined to smash Bella's ruthless plans along with her own self doubt.