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The Christological Metaphors of Wine, Water, and Bread in the Gospel of John in Relation to Their Sapiential Background

Michal Filip Poweska, Adam Kubis,
+ 12 weitere
120,00 €
When focusing on the sapiential traits in text of the Fourth Gospel, it should be noted that in its images of wine, water, and bread one can see Jesus the Giver, who, like the Old Testament personified wisdom, bestows his gifts on man. Although single references to the Old Testament sapiential texts have been suggested for the Johannine images, no detailed study of these images, as well as their juxtapositions even in the aspect of eating and drinking, has been published so far. It is significant to present Jesus' full identity through these metaphors, referring to the personified and preexisting wisdom as described in the Old Testament sapiential literature. Jesus - the personified and preexisting wisdom as described in the Old Testament
Exegetisches Handwörterbuch zur Bibel

79,90 €
Dieses Handwörterbuch entfaltet die Bedeutungsbreite aller wichtigen Wörter der Bibel. Es geht dabei vom Hebräischen und Griechischen aus, ohne dass man als Leser diese Sprachen können muss. Was das jeweilige Wort an verschiedenen Bibelstellen bedeuten kann, wird kompakt und verständlich herausgestellt.
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