Die Jahre 1945 bis 1949 spiegeln sich in Victor Klemperers Tagebuchnotizen als eine höchst dramatische Zeit wider. In seinem persönlichen wie im politischen Leben werden jetzt die Weichen gestellt...
Wenn die Knie schmerzen, läuft meistens bei der Hauptbelastung - dem Gehen - etwas schief. Der erfahrene Physiotherapeut Thomas Rogall erläutert Aufbau und Funktion des Knies und zeigt, wie man seine Kniegelenke durch einen bewussten Umgang sowie gezielte Übungen und Massagen lebenslang gesund erhalten kann.
-A tour d'horizon from antiquity to the 19th century-Leonardo and Michelangelo, Titian and Tintoretto, Rubens and Rembrandt and many more! -Exciting approach, knowledgeably narrated
-A tour d'horizon from antiquity to the 19th century-Leonardo and Michelangelo, Titian and Tintoretto, Rubens and Rembrandt and many more! -Exciting approach, knowledgeably narrated
Both in research and in practice, a number of basic competencies are considered necessary for successful process-oriented coaching and consulting activities. In the present research work, the extent to which these necessary competencies are related to vertical personality development was investigated. Loevinger's model of ego development, a stage theory of development, provides the frame of reference for this study. This paper fully summarizes the current state of research on the model in order to comprehensively analyze possible relationships with coaching and consulting competencies.
Personality development - not only methods or skills make good coaches and consultants