Lange erwartet - Tad Williams' neues Epos aus Osten Ard<br /><br />"Das Herz der verlorenen Dinge" bietet für alle neuen Leser den Einstieg in die Welt von Osten Ard. Er setzt an am Ende des letzten Bandes von "Das Geheimnis der Großen Schwerter" und eröffnet einen neuen Zyklus voll tödlicher Abgründe und Intrigen dreißig Jahre in der Zukunft.<br /><br />Tad Williams' Antwort auf George R. R. Martins "Game of Thrones"
Dorothy and Toto's classic whirlwind adventure featuring the original illustrations by famous illustrator W. W. Denslow, coloured by Barbara Frith, and an afterword by Professor Sarah Churchwell.
Succumb to a churchman's apocalyptic vision in this prophetic tale by the radical Nobel Laureate and author of Lord of the Flies, introduced by Benjamin Myers (narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch as an audiobook).
This volume includes a comprehensive selection covering almost four decades of poetical activity and displaying the author's originality and independence of mind at their sparkling best.