New perspectives on Friedrich and RomanticismA highly topical sense of our loss of natureCelebrates his 250th birthday in 2024
New perspectives on Friedrich and RomanticismA highly topical sense of our loss of natureCelebrates his 250th birthday in 2024
For about 60 years, the archaeology of the Middle Ages has been pursued as a separate research discipline in Baden-Württemberg. This book is the first to present a synopsis of the results of research to date and the questions that remain unanswered. The authors go back to the first evidence of Christian architecture and trace the development to the important monasteries on the eve of the Reformation. They fathom the early development of the palaces and towns, with skeletons and food waste revealing much information about the diet, economy and beliefs of the population of the time. Newly discovered walls, pits and finds provide insights into everyday life in the countryside and castles. They also bear witness to the hardships and ingenious inventions in mining, navigation and crafts. Extensive bibliographical references for further reading complement the volume and, with many photos and plans, make it a handbook of medieval archaeology in Baden-Württemberg.
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Die schönsten Roadtrips in und um Deutschland - dank detaillierter Routenbeschreibungen und GPX-Downloads ganz einfach nachzufahren
Der neue Erstkommunion-Krimi - Das perfekte Geschenk zur Kommunion. Ein neuer spannender Erstkommunionfall für Kinder ab 7 Jahren: Ein Dieb im Gottesdienst? Das können Elias, Frida und Milo kaum glauben. Hat das vielleicht etwas mit Bella-Marie zu tun, die erst vor Kurzem in ihre Stadt gezogen ist? Und werden die drei Freunde den Fall rechtzeitig vor ihrer Erstkommunion lösen?
In den Straßen Lissabons sucht Boa Morte nach dem Vergessen.
Der alte Boa Morte zieht durch die Gassen Lissabons, verdient sich ein paar Münzen als Parkplatzeinweiser, findet Obdach in verborgenen Winkeln. Früher hat er in der Kolonialarmee gekämpft, heute sucht er ein wenig Glück in den Lichtern des Viertels. Doch die dunklen Bilder seiner Vergangenheit hüllen die Farben der Stadt in einen grauen Schleier.
The Republic of Venice was the only Catholic territory where an Anabaptist community was formed in the 16th century. On the basis of a large amount of archival material the author reconstructs the lives of the Anabaptists of the Republic and inquisitorial repression they suffered, and analyses the doctrinal specificities of the Radical Reformation of that territory. Riccarda Suitner presents the events within a broader comparative framework, with particular attention to the development of the Reformation in the German states, Switzerland, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Transylvania, Tyrol, and the Kingdom of Naples.
The history at the heart of this book is one as yet little known in Reformation Studies: the history of Venetian Anabaptism.