As popular Instagram poet and artist Morgan Harper Nichols shares glimpses of her story in How Far You Have Come, she inspires us to reframe the stories we tell ourselves so we can see through our own brokenness to the beauty inside.
<strong>Cosy Crime im Altenheim</strong><br> <br>
<p>Der rüstige Rentner Helmut ermittelt aus Langeweile im Mordfall an der Küchenhilfe - er ist begabter als gedacht.</p>
Die Sensation - über 400 unveröffentlichte Zeichnungen von Loriot, darunter 45 Möpse. Deutschlands beliebtester Humorist und Karikaturist darf neu entdeckt werden. "Spätlese" versammelt Schätze aus dem Nachlass, die bislang unbekannt waren. Ein Fest für alle Liebhaber des feinen Humors.
A modern approach to fashion illustration using watercolors. Watercolors are an intergral part of London College of Fashion illustration courses. Written by a respected illustrator who has worked for many of the biggest names in fashion including Dior, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Fendi and many more.
Watercolor is a wonderful medium for figure and fashion as it creates loose, impressionistic results that capture the essence of a look without getting too bogged down in details. In this complete course, leading fashion illustrator Francesco Lo Iacono teaches you how to master all the elements of creating delicate, beautiful fashion illustrations.