Franz Köcher's magnum opus on Babylonian and Assyrian medicine, which was envisioned to include cuneiform copies, translations, and commentary, was unfinished at his death in 2002 with six volumes of cuneiform copies accompanied by brief introductory comments and citation of parallels and duplicates. Publication of the series is being resumed, under the editorship of Robert Biggs and Marten Stol. The new volumes include full translations and philological commentary, thus making Babylonian and Assyrian medical texts accessible to historians of ancient medicine in up-to-date studies.
Das beliebte Liederbuch jetzt im Bilderbuchformat
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Was bleibt von einem Leben? Eine Geschichte oder die Erinnerung an einen Moment, an ein bestimmtes Gefühl? Nach "Ein ganzes Leben" der neue Roman von Robert Seethaler.