Wünschst du dir, in der himmlischen Gelassenheit anzukommen? Sehnst du dich danach, mit deinen Gebeten am Plan Gottes teilzuhaben? Dann entdecke die Kraft der Fürbitte als Sohn und Tochter Gottes. Werde zum Hoffnungsträger - für dich, für die Welt, für andere Menschen, für unser Land.
The book documents the multi-aspect nature of contemporary reflection on agency and refers to the multitude of discursive practices that contribute to the posthumanist landscape of reflection on the dependencies and entanglements of the human and non-human world perceived from a planetary perspective. The individual chapters focus on approaches to agency from the perspective of critical human-animal studies, deal with the new non-anthropocentric identity constructs, propose analyses focused on the reconfiguration of meanings anchored in semiotic inversions and queering of static cultural patterns. The book closes with texts devoted to the topic decolonization practices freeing agential potentials from the oppressive systems of imperial phallogocentrism.
Agency beyond human exceptionalism
Dieses Buch lädt dazu ein, Religion in der Schule zu unterrichten. Was bedeutet es aber, heutzutage Religionslehrer:in zu sein? Bernd Schröder liefert Anregungen für die Praxis des Unterrichtens.
Religion erfolgreich unterrichten
Nine strong women artists, from the modernist era to today The female gaze over the course of time Catalogue for the fall exhibit at the Fondation Beyeler
Works in dialogue with the room Five artists, five approaches Fall exhibition at the Fondation Beyeler<br /><br />Works in dialogue with the room Five artists, five approaches Fall exhibition at the Fondation Beyeler