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Shades of Scarlet

10,40 €
Every teenager remembers when they realised how disappointing their parents actually are. Scarlet's feeling that. Her mum has left for a new life with a new love, and her dad's just hopeless. She's feeling stuck in the middle. A deeply insightful and funny novel about how growing up means coming to terms with your parents' lives being just as messy as your own.
A Beginner's Guide to Ruling the Galaxy

10,40 €
A brilliantly funny story of what happens when a galactic princess moves in next door and almost brings about the end of the world. Can Niki and Gavin sort out the alien despots (aka Nikis Mum and Dad) and save the planet? Possibly. Will they become friends along the way? Doubtful...<br />Exciting new fiction from the bestselling, award-winning author of My Brother is a Superhero.
Sie kämpften für die Heimat

12,99 €
Russland im Sommer 1942. Das legendäre 38. Schützenregiment verteidigt sich heldenhaft an den Ufern des Dons vor Stalingrad gegen die deutsche Wehrmacht und sichert nach einem harten und verlustreichen Kampf damit den Rückzug sowjetischer Truppen über den Don.
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