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Die Gartenvilla

10,00 €
Eine geheimnisvolle Villa voller Spiegel. Eine Frau, die auf rätselhafte Weise verschwindet. Und eine unbeirrbare Heldin, die Jahre später alles ans Licht bringt ...
Der Weg nach Waterloo

29,00 €
In diesem Band geht es um die weit ausgesponnenen Schicksale der Familie von Greifenklau. Die Geschichte der napoleonischen Zeit bildet den fesselnden Hintergrund. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Erlebnisse eines deutschen Offiziers in damaligem Feindesland.
Reception of the 'Limited liability company (GmbH)'

55,00 €
The limited liability company (GmbH) was created by the German legislature in 1892 as a company form without any historical forerunners or suggestions from comparative law. It brought about a readjustment of the relationship between the chance of profit and the liability risk. However, criticism from the jurisprudence that had not been included in the quick legislative process was also heard from the start. As early as 1892, Levin Goldschmidt expressed concern that the GmbH would replace 'principally more solid forms of company'. However, this criticism did not prevent the company form of the GmbH from being adopted in numerous European countries, or at least seriously considering its reception. The path of the GmbH to becoming Europe's most important corporate form
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