Sie haben noch keine Produkte im Warenkorb.
A-Team Staffel 5

19,99 €
Das A-Team! Die finale und beste Staffel der beliebten Actionserie um Hannibal und seine Freunde.
Der Bordesholmer Altar (1521) und die anderen Werke von Hans Brüggemann

7,00 €
Der wohl größte Schnitzaltar Norddeutschlands, im Dom zu Schleswig, wurde 1521 fertiggestellt. Dabei sollten die meisten seiner 400 Figuren bis auf wenige Festtage hinter Klappen verborgen bleiben, nämlich die Passions-Szenen bis zum "Pfingstwunder" und Maria als Himmelskönigin. Stets sichtbar waren der "Sündenfall" und die "Wiederkunft Christi", hier aber ohne das übliche Droh-Potential, dafür Adam und Eva gleich doppelt mit renaissancehaft anmutenden Figuren. - Das Buch stellt die schönsten und rätselhaftesten der Bilder vor, dazu auch die übrigen Werke des norddeutschen Künstlers.
Der letzte Mentsch

Adorf, Elsner Mario,
+ 2 weitere
19,99 €
Ein Roadmovie mit tragischen und sehr komischen Momenten. All das ist das berührende Drama DER LETZTE MENTSCH, in dem Mario Adorf, Nachwuchsschauspielerin Katharina Derr und Hannelore Elsner die Zuschauer auf eine Reise mitnehmen, die man nicht mehr vergisst.
Max Euwe's Best Games

29,95 €
World Chess Champion Max Euwe, who held the title from 1935-1937, is one of the greatest chess players in history. Much has been written about him, and he authored dozens of books himself. But missing was an outstanding collection of games of this 'efficient, man-eating tiger' as the American chess master William Ewart Napier once called Euwe.<br />Max Euwe's Best Games fills this gap. And it couldn't have been written by anyone else than Euwe's successor in Dutch chess Jan Timman, World Champion finalist and arguably one of the leading chess analysts of our time.<br />This book offers eighty of Max Euwe's games annotated with great clarity, starting in his early twenties when he worked his way to the world top, up until his late seventies when he was still a force to be reckoned with. It is incredible how high Euwe's level of play was for over fifty years and how attractive his attacking style was.<br />Timman made many discoveries in Euwe's best and most famous games but has also unearthed several lesser-known brilliancies. Some interesting paradoxes are addressed along the line. For example, although he was an amateur almost his entire life, Euwe was better versed in opening theory than most of his top-level opponents. Although he was the underdog, he beat the mighty Alexander Alekhine in an epic World Championship Match in 1935. At 52, he could still beat top players like Geller and Najdorf with fantastic attacking play in the Zürich Candidates Tournament. And when he was over seventy, he was still highly dangerous for the new upcoming Dutch generation.<br />This game collection of an often underrated World Champion, analysed by top grandmaster Jan Timman, is a must-have for anyone interested in World Championship chess.
Sie sehen die Produkte 15201 bis 15240 von 22247