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Anselm Kiefer, HimmelsPaläste. Heavenly Palaces

Anselm Kiefer, Heiner Bastian,
+ 1 weiterer
45,00 €
"Palaces of Heaven" is a series of sculptures - 26 works in glass display cabinets and two detached works - that Kiefer installed in the late 1980s in a historic German brick factory. Made of photographs and fabric, bone, clay, paper, and wood, they directly relate to cabbalistic representations, ancient myths, Christian mysticism and Gnosticism.
Der alte König in seinem Exil

14,00 €
Was im Leben wirklich zählt -die anrührende Geschichte des an Alzheimer erkrankten Vaters. Sicherlich das persönlichste Buch von Erfolgsautor Arno Geiger
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