Authoritative science to engage even the most unscientific! The myths and mysteries of the Periodic Table explained alongside the story of the elements.
Authoritative science to engage even the most unscientific! Chemistry's most significant chart, the Periodic Table and its 118 elements, is laid bare in this lively accessible and compelling expose.
Learning Legal Rules introduces law students to the techniques of legal analysis and argument, equipping them with the knowledge and reasoning skills needed for effective study and practice of law. The text has been used in common law countries around the world as a leading legal method guide for over thirty years and provides students with the fundamental analytical skills of being a lawyer.
<p> <strong>The story of the short life and tragic death of Bowland Beth - an English Hen Harrier - which dramatically highlights the major issues in UK conservation.</strong> </p>
I-PEEL: The International Political Economy of Everyday Life is a student-centred textbook for learning about IPE through the prism of everyday objects, subjects and practices. Eight core chapters show how IPE can be used to understand and question the world around us.
Auf der Jagd nach Männern und Staatsgeheimnissen: Karin und Holda führen ein abenteuerliches Sekretärinnenleben. Zwei Freundinnen mit Phantasie und Power im gar nicht so grauen Bonn der fünfziger Jahre.
Kommen Sie mit auf die Insel Nimmerland, wo Peter Pan wohnt, Anführer der Verlorenen Jungs, die nie erwachsen werden wollen. Fiebern Sie mit, wenn sie Abenteuer gegen Captain Hook bestehen, und lassen Sie sich von der Geschichte um das Mädchen Wendy berühren.