Diesen atemberaubenden Film über den brutalen Weg Elizabeths I. von einer, wegen Verrats angeklagten, Prinzessin zur übermächtigen Herrscherin eines Weltreichs, muss man gesehen haben!
Comedy Spass mit Elyas M'Barek, Christoph Maria Herbst und Detlev Buck. Diese männliche Schauspiel-Prominenz misst sich genüsslich mit dem starken Damen-Trio Cosma Shiva Hagen, Lisa Maria Potthoff und Jasmin Schwiers.
A gripping, snappy creature feature from the master of horror noir about two detectives - one dead, one living - hired by an embittered old landowner to banish a bloody cosmic monster from his ancestral home, perfect for fans of Cassandra Khaw, Charles Stross and Lucy A. Snyder.
<p>Carnegie Medal winner Katya Balen returns with a stunning tale about a fractured bond between father and son - and the injured bird that helps to heal it.</p>
<p>Noah has felt misunderstood and abandoned since his dad moved away, but can they find a way to build a new relationship? Carnegie Medal winner Katya Balen returns with a stunning tale about a fractured bond between father and son - and the injured bird that helps to heal it.</p>