Die Authentizität der Gespräche, seit ihrem ersten Erscheinen (1836 und 1848) umstritten, ist wiederholt Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Forschung gewesen. Das hierbei erschlossene Quellenmaterial - meist Briefe und Tagebücher - hat die Interpretation der Texte wie das Bild der Persönlichkeit Eckermanns vielfach berichtigt und ergänzt.
Vanessa Wye was fifteen-years-old when she first had sex with her English teacher.<br />She is now thirty-two and in the storm of allegations against powerful men in 2017, the teacher, Jacob Strane, has just been accused of sexual abuse by another former student.<br />Vanessa is horrified by this news, because she is quite certain that the relationship she had with Strane wasn't abuse. It was love. She's sure of that.<br />Forced to rethink her past, to revisit everything that happened, Vanessa has to redefine the great love story of her life - her great sexual awakening - as rape. Now she must deal with the possibility that she might be a victim, and just one of many.