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Clinical Otology is a comprehensive overview of the entire field. It covers the basic sciences, evaluation, medical and surgical management, and rehabiliation of patients. It sits atop Thieme extensive list of otology titles as a single volume reference work that I would hope every resident would purchase, and I expect every fellow does purchase.
This is first a book designed to help the reader make good decisions about how to care for patients. It doesn't go into a lot of details about when to use one particular surgical technique or another, but it will help the reader know which patient should have surgery and which patient should be medically managed.
Auf Rudolf Steiners Aussagen aufbauend schildert Sergej Prokofieff in drei großen Teilen Rudolf Steiners Lebensgang als Einweihungsweg der Zukunft, der sich stufenweise in der Entwicklung der anthroposophischen Bewegung ausdrückt, in der Grundsteinlegung 1923/24 gipfelt und sich in der Begründung einer öffentlichen Mysterienschule als Urbild eines neuen Kulturimpulses erweist.