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19,95 €
Der neue Thriller von Bestseller-Autorin Jilliane Hoffman: Nach „Mädchenfänger“ der zweite Fall für FBI-Agent Bobby Dees, Spezialist für verschwundene Kinder und Jugendliche.
Amazing Grace

10,40 €
Grace loves stories, and with a boundless imagination she acts them all out. One day, her teacher asks who would like to play the lead in the play Peter Pan. Grace eagerly raises her hand, but Raj tells her she isn't a boy, and Natalie tells her she can't because she is black. Nana sets Grace straight: she can do anything she sets her mind to! Grace's talent bursts forth, and she wins the audition hands down. Binch's radiant illustrations add to this inspiring Story.
The White Devil

14,30 €
Thomas Cale has been running from his enemies. Believing him to be the incarnation of God's rage, the world's most violent religious sect trained him to destroy Mankind itself. But he has other ideas. Having fled to America, Cale is caught and given a choice. Murder the American president - the father of democracy and the best hope for ending slavery - or be handed over for execution himself.
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