Die wahre Geschichte des UT Austin Football Spielers, Underdog und Publikumsliebling Freddie Steinmark, der sein Team zur Meisterschaft führte und kurz danach um sein Leben kämpfen musste.
Recycle. Fly less. Eat less meat; some of the ways that we've been told we can save the planet. But are individuals really to blame for the climate crisis? The fossil-fuel companies have taken no responsibility and have waged a campaign to blame individuals. Here we see the battle lines between the people and the polluters and a plan for forcing governments and corporations to make real change.
The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat When Michael lands a starring role in the school Christmas play of Edward Lears famous poem, hes over the moon. He is going to be Owl. And when his best friend, Belinda, is chosen to be Cat, Michael cant believe his luck. But how will he cope with his feelings for Belinda and his stage fright?
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Seniorenteller und Rentnerbingo, das ist doch öde. Elisabeth und ihre schrägen Freunde im Altersheim haben da ganz andere Pläne: raus aus dem Heim und rein ins Leben. Nur woher kriegen sie das nötige Kleingeld für ihre Fluchtaktion? Legal, illegal - total egal! Mit Witz, Charme und einer ordentlichen Portion krimineller Energie beginnt der irre Trip in die Freiheit.
<b>The Magical Unicorn Society is the official authority on the secrets and legends behind these elusive creatures. </b>
The Magical Unicorn Society has opened its doors once again, inviting unicorn lovers to enjoy 8 new enchanting tales featuring the magical unicorn families.
Das bewegende Portrait der einzigartigen Persönlichkeit Yves Saint Laurant führt mitten hinein in die brodelnde und inspirierende Welt der Mode der 60er- und 7er-Jahre.