<p>In New York wird die Brooklyn Bridge eröffnet, Edisons Glühbirnen erleuchten die Stadt. Mittendrin Susanna, eine Malerin aus Basel, die mit ihrer Mutter nach Amerika ausgewandert ist.</p>
The Second Edition of this path-breaking collection gives students all the tools they need to understand and engage with major philosophical issues. Students are presented with clear yet thorough topic introductions, historical context, reading guides for challenging selections, and exclusive commissioned essays written by leading contemporary philosophers specifically for undergraduates. The Second Edition features a NEW co-author, a NEW focus on diversity within the field, and NEW readings and topics relevant to students’ lives.
Beiträge von Alex Demirovic / Martin Seel / Diedrich Diederichsen / Michael Hirsch / Christoph Menke / Willem van Reijen / Alexander / Garcia Düttmann / Norbert Bolz / Peter Bürger