Das Lehrbuch stellt die theoretischen Grundlagen, Behandlungstechniken und klinischen Anwendungen der Musiktherapie umfassend dar. Der Aufbau des Werkes folgt der Entwicklung des Menschen - vom intrauterinen Klangraum angefangen bis zum letzten Lebensabschnitt - und der Rolle der Musik als Therapeutikum darin. Erläutert werden u. a. Setting, Wirkfaktoren, Indikationen und Instrumentarium. Die praktische Anwendung wird für verschiedene Alters- und Entwicklungsstufen mit je typischen Störungsbildern und Konflikten beschrieben und mit vielen Falldarstellungen illustriert. Ein Ausblick auf Forschungsfragen und Entwicklungstrends und ein Überblick über Ausbildung und Organisationen runden das Werk ab
The book is about a comparative view of two health systems, especially with regard to music and music therapy, but also with regard to the image of man and medical approaches. Chinese students study in western countries, e.g. music therapy, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is also spreading there. In the meantime, it also plays an important role at several German university hospitals. This book builds on this. It presents Ying Tian's master's thesis, written as part of the master's programme in music therapy at the University of Augsburg, in which, starting from the traditional Chinese understanding of health and the role of music in it, she draws a bow to the treatment of psychological problems in the modern health system,<br>the situation of clinical music therapy and training in this field. This is framed by short texts on the role of the body in Western psychotherapy, relational aspects in Chinese psychotherapy, the application of TCM in Western countries and its use in the context of the Chinese health care system.<br>TCM in Western countries and its connection with music, as well as an interview with a German music therapy university teacher, Prof. Decker-Voigt. In this way, a holistic picture of the current situation and its history should emerge with regard to the topic.
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