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Über dem Luftmeer

25,00 €
<p><strong>Ein umfassender Versuch voll historischer Fundstücke, die maschinelle Grundlage der westlichen Moderne als Universalgeschichte zu erzählen</strong></p>
Brought to Light

Martin Schwander, Teo Schifferli,
+ 2 weitere
48,00 €
- Insight into a little-known collection of masterpieces - Leading collector of contemporary art from the 1960s onward - Works on paper and photography are the focal points- Insight into a little-known collection of masterpieces - Leading collector of contemporary art from the 1960s onward - Works on paper and photography are the focal points
Baloise Art

48,00 €
- Insight into a little-known collection of masterpieces - Leading collector of contemporary art from the 1960s onward - Works on paper and photography are the focal points - Insight into a little-known collection of masterpieces - Leading collector of contemporary art from the 1960s onward - Works on paper and photography are the focal points