Der Roman erzählt von einem künstlich geschaffenen, beseeltem Menschenwesen, das ob seiner Häßlichkeit von Liebe und Gemeinschaft ausgeschlossen bleibt. In seiner ursprünglich kindlich-schuldlosen Seele entsteht so das Böse, und haßerfüllt nimmt es Rache an der Menschheit.
This new addition to the Pianissimo series contains 90 easy original pieces from the 20th and 21st centuries. Providing pieces in a variety of styles, ranging from New Music and neoclassicism, through jazz and rock, to meditative and New Age. This collection is a musical journey of discovery, allowing pianists to experience modern sounds and rhythms. Ideally suited to lessons, performances, examinations and school music competitions or simply for enjoying at home.<br /><br />Instrumentation:<br />piano
<p>Emily Henson explores the elements that come together to create this eclectic, colourful and contemporary look and draws inspiration from an array of real-life Bohemian Modern homes.</p>