Many countries in Asia are inhabited by multi-segment societies diversified in terms of race, religion, language and economic status. They have repeatedly provided the basis for analysis of the search for consensus in the construction of a political scene that would ensure the participation in power of each group. Regardless of the chosen model, the distribution of power in multi-segment societies has always been characterized by a state of "unstable equilibrium". Practical solutions constantly evolved between consociationalism, centripetalism, federalism. In extreme cases they led to political disintegration of states or to permanent domination of one of the segments, most often based on authoritarian solutions.
An Analysis of the Current Situation of Power-sharing in Selected Asian Countries
»Die Geschichte einer jeden Gesellschaft war bis heute nur die Geschichte eines Kampfes der Ideologien und des Verlangens nach Gerechtigkeit.« Thomas Piketty
With helpful hints, tips and step-by-steps this book will help you to build your creative confidence as you explore the techniques of history's greatest artists, from the early Renaissance to the present day.
Word has reached the Andes that llamas are about to become the next big animal sensation. Intrigued, an intrepid herd have decided to 'alpaca' their bags and embark on an incredible round-the-world adventure to meet their adoring fans.
The volume explores the cultural memory of Nicolaus Copernicus, dating back from the 16th/17th century to the 550th anniversary of his birth in 2023, in local and global contexts.
Nicolaus Copernicus in the perspective of cultural memory studies
Zusammenarbeit mit externen IT-Dienstleistern sind heute unvermeidlich, um die Chancen der Digitalisierung zu nutzen: Dabei gilt es, Innovationspotenziale auszuschöpfen, ohne die strategische Handlungshoheit im Unternehmen zu gefährden. Wie Sie Digitalisierungs- und Outsourcing-Projekte zum Erfolg führen, zeigt Ihnen das Expertenteam um Torsten Gründer aus konsequent anwenderorientierter Sicht. Erfahrungswissen aus hunderten Projekten im IT-Servicemarkt unterstützen Sie von Beginn an.