<p>Fall - Rechtsproblem - Lösung: "Praxisbeispiele zur Körperschaftsteuer" bietet eine einzigartige Kombination von Wissensvermittlung und Praxisfragen im Bereich der Körperschaftsteuer und hilft Ihnen, praktische Probleme rund um die Körperschaftsteuer zu verstehen und kompetent zu lösen.</p>
Gain essential skills for career development and craft a winning business plan to secure the support you need with this one-stop guide to producing the most professional and convincing plans possible.
We make decisions all the time. Yet even the smartest and most experienced among us make predictable errors. So, what makes a good decision? How can we avoid being tripped up by cognitive biases? Here is a lively tour of nine common decision-making traps - guided by the latest developments in behavioural economics and cognitive psychology - and practical tools for avoiding them.