<strong>Cosy Crime im Altenheim</strong><br> <br>
<p>Der rüstige Rentner Helmut ermittelt aus Langeweile im Mordfall an der Küchenhilfe - er ist begabter als gedacht.</p>
Ursula, Gareth and Alice have never met before. Ursula thinks she killed the love of her life. Gareths been receiving strange postcards. And Alice is being stalked. None of them are used to relying on others but when the three strangers lives unexpectedly collide, theres only one thing for it: they have to stick together. Otherwise, one of them will die.
Die Sensation - über 400 unveröffentlichte Zeichnungen von Loriot, darunter 45 Möpse. Deutschlands beliebtester Humorist und Karikaturist darf neu entdeckt werden. "Spätlese" versammelt Schätze aus dem Nachlass, die bislang unbekannt waren. Ein Fest für alle Liebhaber des feinen Humors.
How far would you go to save someone you love? And what if that someone was ... not human? The joyfully freewheeling, funny and profound new novel from 'one of the most inventive, adventurous and accomplished fiction writers in the US today' (Lionel Shriver)