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Bienenfreundlich Gärtnern (Relaunch)

19,99 €
Bienen schützen und fördern: das Garten-Praxisbuch zum Trendthema Das einzige Praxisbuch zum Thema Insekten-Garten, das neben Pflanzenporträts zusätzlich zahlreiche Pflanzkombinationen für verschiedene Standorte und alle Beetgrößen bietet - sogar für Minipflanzungen und die Bedürfnisse von Wildbienen.
Politics, Education and Social Change

50,00 €
The book considers relationships between politics, education and social change - in various contexts and dimensions. The macro level of educational policy (and politics) is confronted with the micro realities of human biographies. However, the authors do not consider people who are influenced by political decisions as incapacitated "mass". So, social change always results from these macro-micro connections. This interdisciplinary book includes themes related to political sciences, education, and sociology, which resulted from the authors' study of contemporary social and education phenomena. It gives insight into interesting paradoxes and controversies. Uncovering truths in education policy: Myths, methods and mirrors
Postmodernizing the Holocaust

50,00 €
Marta Tomczok's monograph is not only the first such collection of post-Holocaust postmodern novels, but also the first comprehensive study of postmodernism in the literature about the Holocaust, which, thanks to comparative analysis, tries to analyze and explain the circumstances of the appearance and later disappearance of this trend from cultural landscape of the world and Poland. Curiosity about the fate of postmodernism combined with interest in the fate of novels about the Holocaust as a chance to explain the common failures of postmodernism and the complicated history of postmodern post-Holocaust prose
Tree Of Light

24,99 €
Durch die Stufen des endlosen Lichts: RIOPY und sein Klavieralbum Tree of Light

20,00 €
<p>Die große Angst vor der Geldentwertung - und was die Politik tun muss</p>
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