Der September 1918 sollte endlich den Sieg bringen. Mit der letzten großen Offensive des deutschen Heeres setzt Andreas Platthaus’ packende Darstellung ein, in der er die Zeit vom Herbst 1918 bis zum Sommer 1919 als einen einzigen großen Gewaltzusammenhang erzählt.
Zuckerman begegnet dem alternden Professor Coleman Silk, der durch Missverständnisse und Intrigen alles verloren hat - sein Renommee, seine Familie. Das große Geheimnis, das ihn umgibt, kann er wahrscheinlich nur mit Faunia, seiner jungen Geliebten, teilen. Ein Sittenbild der amerikanischen Gesellschaft.
The publishing phenomenon that began with the astonishing worldwide bestseller THE PASSAGE now comes to its epic conclusion. Soon to be an explosive drama on Fox from writer Elizabeth Heldens and executive producer Ridley Scott.
Count Wilhelm von Schlieffen and his mother Countess Sophie von Schlieffen, née von Jagow, travelled through Egypt and Sudan in the years 1851-1853. In their travel journal, written by the Count and edited by the Countess, which was discovered in the State Main Archive of Schwerin a few years ago, they give account both of the archaeological sites they visited along the Nile and the flora and fauna of Kordofan, through which they travelled via camel caravan. Contrary to many researchers on Africa of their time, Count Wilhelm and Countess Sophia also describe in great detail their encounters with the many diverse people they have met in the course of their journey.