Sie haben noch keine Produkte im Warenkorb.

23,00 €
Hubert von Goiserns literarisches Debüt: Ein musikalischer Roman über Liebe, Sehnsucht und das flüchtige Glück.
Predictably Irrational. englische Ausgabe

36,90 €
Behavioral economist Dan Ariely returns in this revised and expanded edition of the New York Times bestseller PREDICTABLY IRRATIONAL (first edition published in February 2008) to offer a much-needed take on the irrational decisions that led to our current economic crisis.
"In den Gletschern der Erinnerung"

25,00 €
Die von Daniel Schwartz für sein Buch While the Fires Burn. A Glacier Odyssey erarbeiteten Fotografien vom Kollaps alpiner Gletscher entstanden zwischen 2009 und 2016; sie sind Resultat der Synthese von naturwissenschaftlicher Beobachtung und künstlerischer Haltung.

17,99 €
Die Gewinnerin der holländischen Ausgabe von Das Supertalent ist eine Sensation
Africa First!

22,00 €
The chance of a century to end poverty-and how we can seize it. Africa does not need handouts, but positive impulses. It is therefore high time for a paradigm shift: now Europe must invest instead of help-especially since the low interest rates offer the opportunity to make a big difference with a modest investment.At the heart of the "Roadmap for a joint future" is an innovative concept for jointly mobilizing capital to build infrastructure. First and foremost, Africa needs a foundation on which investment, entrepreneurship and prosperity can flourish.This book demonstrates how Europe and Africa can prevent a mass exodus to the North, establish the social market economy and form a strong economic area-in the tradition of the historic Spice Route. In light of the climate crisis and geopolitical system competition, this is more important than ever-also for Europe. A bold vision? Yes. For now.
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