December 1941. America teeters on the brink of war, and in Honolulu, Hawaii, police detective Joe McGrady is assigned to investigate a homicide that will change his life forever. Because the trail of murder he uncovers will lead him across the Pacific, far from home and the woman he loves; and though the U.S. doesn't know it yet, a Japanese fleet is already steaming toward Pearl Harbor.
Loriot - Fanpaket: "Früher war mehr Lametta". Ödipussi: Paul Winkelmann leitet das familieneigene Möbelgeschäft. Wirklich selbständig ist er allerdings nicht ... Die Klassiker von
Loriot: Zum Totlachen!
Gunther Hirschfelder relates the history of nutrition from the Stone Age to modern times. He blends together the changes in foodstuffs over the centuries, the elements of food preparation, and the various types of meals to paint a composite picture of a multi-faceted cultural history
Mord hoch in den Bergen des Val Grande: Bruno Vareses Roman "Totenstille über dem Lago Maggiore" ist der dritte Band seiner erfolgreichen Krimi-Reihe um den ermittelnden Fleischer und ehemaligen Polizeipsychologen Matteo Basso.