Diesen atemberaubenden Film über den brutalen Weg Elizabeths I. von einer, wegen Verrats angeklagten, Prinzessin zur übermächtigen Herrscherin eines Weltreichs, muss man gesehen haben!
Comedy Spass mit Elyas M'Barek, Christoph Maria Herbst und Detlev Buck. Diese männliche Schauspiel-Prominenz misst sich genüsslich mit dem starken Damen-Trio Cosma Shiva Hagen, Lisa Maria Potthoff und Jasmin Schwiers.
A mysterious voice has been speaking to Louise in her dreams. She and her brother Merwin are Sycamore seeds, who hope to one day set down roots and become big trees. But when a fire forces them to leave their mama tree prematurely, they find themselves catapulted into the unknown, far from home. Alone and unprepared, they must use their wits and imagination to navigate a dangerous worldfilled with dinosaurs, meteors, and volcanoes!and the fear of never finding a safe place to grow up. As the mysterious voice gets louder, Louise comes to realize their mission in life may be much bigger than either of them ever could have imagined!Brimming with humor, wonder, mystery, and a profound sense of hope, Big Tree is a trailblazing adventure, illustrated with nearly 300 pages of breathtaking pictures. It is Selznick's most imaginative and far-reaching work to date and a singular reading experience for the whole family!