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Wilhelm Reich - Erforscher des Lebendigen

Myron Sharaf, Thomas Harms,
+ 6 weitere
59,90 €
Was ist Leben? Diese Frage prägte das Forschen des österreichischen Psychoanalytikers und Arztes Wilhelm Reich (1897-1987) zeit seines Lebens. Reichs enger Mitarbeiter Myron Sharaf zeichnet in seiner Biografie ein umfassendes Bild des Menschen Wilhelm Reich.
Pathways in Early European Ethnomusicology

75,00 €
The "anthropological turn" in ethnomusicology is generally associated with Alan P. Merriam's "Anthropology of music" (1964). The present volume intends to correct this picture from a European perspective, presenting insights into early fieldwork-based ethnomusicology, hitherto largely restricted by linguistic borders. Eleven authors from different parts of Europe present pioneers in the field who carried out research on the continent and beyond as musicologists, philologists, and folklorists. The volume also includes panoramic overviews of folk music research from specific regional and national perspectives, including national and regional schools of early European ethnomusicology. New perspectives on the early European history of what was later coined as "ethnomusicology".

Alma Hannig, Alma Hannig,
+ 21 weitere
50,00 €
Neue interdisziplinäre Forschungen zu einem einschneidenden Ereignis europäischer Geschichte
Sie sehen die Produkte 81 bis 120 von 292