A witty and entertaining magical novel telling the story of a ten-year-old girl and her quest to visit all ten aunts in order to discover the fate of her parents - were they really killed by pirates at sea? Encountering dragons, witches and water-sprites among others, Bronte is taken on an adventure she could only have imagined...
A magical tale of a girl on a mission to visit her ten aunts in order to find out what happened to her parents who were killed by pirates.
A prequel to the worldwide Maze Runner phenomenon, The<br />Fever<br />Code is the book that holds all the answers. How did WICKED<br />find the Gladers? Who are Group B? And what side are Thomas<br />and Teresa really on? Lies will be exposed. Secrets uncovered.<br />Loyalties proven. You'll never see the truth coming ...
Der Superhacker Gladio mit Zugriff auf Quantencomputer knackt die geheimsten Codes, bricht Blockchains auf und raubt Millionen. Die Chinesen jagen ihn, um sein bahnbrechendes Talent für ihre Cyberangriffe auf die westliche Wirtschaft zu gewinnen. CIA und NSA haben Alarmstufe rot. Die Mafia versteckt das Genie in Sizilien, und Michael Cooper hat von höchster Stelle die unmögliche Aufgabe, Gladio vor allen anderen zu finden, unschädlich zu machen, um den Kollaps der Systeme zu verhindern.