New Yorker journalist Andrew Marantz explains how the alt-right memed its way into the mainstream, swung an election, and changed the rules of the American conversation.
From Jericho 10,000 years ago to modern-day Tokyo, learn how 25 cities across history have shaped our world. With vibrant, detailed artwork and 25 maps taking in Rome, Venice, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Constantinople find out what it was really like to live there. Explore Athens at the birth of democracy, walk the streets of Benin in West Africa or discover Chinas long-lost capital city of Xianyang.
From the acclaimed author of Tubes, a lively and surprising tour of the infrastructure behind the weather forecast, the people who built it, and what it reveals about our climate and our planet.
Wynter is here: the brilliant Elizabethan mystic has achieved the impossible and returned to present-day Rotherweird - and now his ultimate goal is within reach . . .
"Smuggling Jesus Back into Church" is a polemical but hope-filled guide from Andrew Fellows that explores how Jesus has been forgotten in the modern church and how we can put him back at its heart.
Es gilt mittlerweile als akademische Binsenweisheit, dass Grenzziehungen, die das Eigene vom Anderen abgrenzen, einen zentralen Faktor religiöser Identitätskonstruktionen bilden. In diesem Zusammenhang wird allerdings kaum über die Bedeutung von Grenzüberschreitungen reflektiert, obwohl zahlreiche jüngere Publikationen zum frühen und spätantiken Christentum den Fokus auf Phänomene der Transgressivität legen. Dieser Sammelband verbindet nun beide Diskurse (zu religiöser Identität und zu Transgressivität) verbinden, indem er anhand zahlreicher Beispiele der Frage nachgeht: Welche Rolle haben in den ersten Jahrhunderten Grenzüberschreitungen für die religiöse Identitätsbildung gespielt?
Sind Grenzüberschreitungen für religiöse Identitäten genauso wichtig wie Grenzziehungen? Bibliker und Kirchenhistoriker suchen anhand zahlreicher Beispiele Antworten auf diese Frage.
A commentary for the death-penalty debate Enchanting aesthetics With a table featuring the facts known about the deceased<br /><br />A commentary for the death-penalty debate Enchanting aesthetics With a table featuring the facts known about the deceased
Art in public space Urban regeneration, multi-culturalism and environmentalism With texts by renowned authors
Art in public space Urban regeneration, multi-culturalism and environmentalism With texts by renowned authors