Florenz war 1475 der geistige und künstlerische Mittelpunkt der italienischen Renaissance. In diesen vor Vitalität berstenden, von Lorenzo de Medici, dem Förderer der schönen Künste, regierten Stadtstaat wurde eines der universellsten Genies der Menschheitsgeschichte hineingeboren - Michelangelo Buonarroti, Bildhauer, Maler, Dichter, Baumeister und Ingenieur.
Mit außergewöhnlicher Fantasie und ohne viel Schnickschnack wurden Märchenwelten erschaffen, die damals Jung und Alt begeisterten und dies auch heute noch tun.
"So stellt man es sich vor, wenn Harry Potter erwachsen geworden und zur Polizei gegangen wäre. Eine einzige große, witzige, fantasievolle Kapriole." Diana Gabaldon
Benefit from a reliable collection of the most valuable business models, including detailed coverage of each model, expertly explained theory, as well as case studies and supporting templates.
From the moment Stick Boy and his family move to Little Town, there is way more to worry about than being the new kid. Using graphic novel elements, this is accessible and entertaining for middle grade readers.
Berlin: long-celebrated as a city of artists and outcasts, but also a city of teachers and construction workers. A place of tourists and refugees, and the memories of those exiled and expelled. A city named after marshland; if you dig a hole, you'll soon hit sand. The stories of Berlin are the stories BUILT ON SAND. A wooden town, laid waste by the Thirty Years War that became the metropolis by the Spree that spread out and swallowed villages whole. The city of Rosa Luxemburg and Joseph Roth, of student movements and punks on both sides of the Wall. A place still bearing the scars of National Socialism and the divided city that emerged from the wreckage of war
Thomas Cale has been running from his enemies. Believing him to be the incarnation of God's rage, the world's most violent religious sect trained him to destroy Mankind itself. But he has other ideas. Having fled to America, Cale is caught and given a choice. Murder the American president - the father of democracy and the best hope for ending slavery - or be handed over for execution himself.