This study examines the revival of Sufism in the Arabic and Turkish novel during the second half of the 20th century. A picture is drawn where Sufism forms a main source of literary inspiration and becomes a mode to establish continuity with the past. Sufism is in this context not solely a passively transmitted cultural artifact; it quite the contrary becomes a major instrument to construct identity and meaning to a post-industrial society. In this respect, the act of writing becomes prayer of a sort; storytelling enables the Self to rest from the dreary political realities of authoritarian modernist ideologies. Thus, writing, in contrast to reason-driven, materialist, modernity becomes meaningful and enables the Self to connect with something beyond immanent reality; in one word, writing becomes "re-enchantment".
Discover the power of the book through fifty of the most influential texts ever written - from around the world and throughout time. Books that truly did have a significant impact on world history.
Discover the power of the book through fifty of the most influential texts ever written - from around the world and throughout time. Books that truly did have a significant impact on world history.
Was nützt es nur reich zu sein, wenn man dann keine Freunde mehr hat? Der reichste Spatz der Welt, der Zausepeter, hat erfahren, wie wichtig wirkliche Freunde sind.