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Anna Schmid, Anna Schmid,
+ 13 weitere
44,00 €
Archaeology of remembering and forgetting Origins of our collective memory Cultural practices of sharing and connecting Archaeology of remembering and forgetting Origins of our collective memory Cultural practices of sharing and connecting
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Ursula Regehr, Ursula Regehr,
+ 27 weitere
44,00 €
- Vielfalt von Denkweisen und Philosophien aus der ganzen Welt- Alternative Perspektiven zum Dualismus Mensch-Natur- Verbindung von Wissenschaft, Kunst und aktivistischen Positionen - Vielfalt von Denkweisen und Philosophien aus der ganzen Welt- Alternative Perspektiven zum Dualismus Mensch-Natur- Verbindung von Wissenschaft, Kunst und aktivistischen Positionen

Anna Schmid, Anna Schmid,
+ 13 weitere
44,00 €
Archaeology of remembering and forgetting Origins of our collective memory Cultural practices of sharing and connecting Archaeology of remembering and forgetting Origins of our collective memory Cultural practices of sharing and connecting

Ursula Regehr, Ursula Regehr,
+ 27 weitere
44,00 €
- Diverse ideas and philosophies from around the world- Alternative perspectives on the dualism of humans and nature- Multifaceted perspectives from scholars, artists and activists - Diverse ideas and philosophies from around the world- Alternative perspectives on the dualism of humans and nature- Multifaceted perspectives from scholars, artists and activists