Culture and Diplomacy: Ambassadors as Cultural Actors in Ottoman-European Relations from the 16th to the 19th Century, 2 Teile Reinhard Eisendle, Suna Suner, … + 1 weiterer 90,00 €
Izyaslav and Gertrude - The King and Queen of Rus´ at the Nexus of Medieval Europe Christian Raffensperger 13,95 €
Didactics of Polish as a Foreign and Second Language against the European Background Przemyslaw E. Gebal, Wladyslaw T. Miodunka 45,00 €
Histories of Prostitution in Central, East Central and South Eastern Europe Sonja Dolinsek, Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska 109,00 €
Anti-Axis Resistance in Southeastern Europe, 1940-1944 John Paul Newman, Ljubinka Skodric, … + 1 weiterer 89,00 €
Shakir M. Pashov. History of the Gypsies in Bulgaria and Europe: Roma Elena Marushiakova, Vesselin Popov, … + 1 weiterer 83,00 €